Sunglasses Guy
The stereotypical image of a poker player. Usually worn by people who take themselves too seriously. Usually in the red…but don’t worry…their ‘tells’ are safe.
Trash Talk Guy
This one hits close to home. Finds competition in every aspect of their lives. Tendency to get a little over-excited. May rub some people the wrong way. Raises the emotion of the game. Elite people. Great chat.
Friendly Guy
This guy understands the game within the game. Everyone wants to play with this guy. More importantly no one minds losing to this guy. Tends to be more mature than his mates and is usually a solid winning player. “Hey, you wanna play this weekend?”
I’m Good For It Guy
This guy shows up with minimal or no cash and expects to be dealt in on credit. Depending on the game this may or may not fly. No problem between friends, but when strangers are involved it gets a little dicey. If you’re this guy don’t be surprised if you find your kneecaps on the menu a week down the line.
The Luck Box
Divine intervention. God-like powers. Are you the main character of the universe? Probably right?! This will definitely continue for the rest of your playing career. You should mortgage the house now and enter the WSOP main…easy win!
The Always Shows Bluffs Guy
This guy lives for admiration. It takes guts to bluff a big pot. It takes bigger guts to bluff a big pot, muck your hand, and have no one ever know.
The Girl
Let’s be honest. The poker world is besieged by men. The girl does not care about this. She’s confident, she’s intelligent, and don’t be surprised if you find her among the winners at the end of the night. We need more women in poker, so don’t hesitate to try and take a few pots for yourself.
The Fish
All of us when we started. Did you just value bluff? Did you just accidently one chip call? Do you have any idea wtf people are taking about at the table? Poker can be a scary world, it has a steep learning curve, but a rewarding one. You pay to play, and there’s no better way to learn than jumping in the deep end. Soon you’ll be playing ‘Lodden Thinks’ with the best of us.
The 9 Of Diamonds Guy
*POV* “Show the 9 of Diamonds!”, he exclaims from across the room, somehow following the action on your table… no better feeling in poker than when you can oblige this request while pulling your chips in, after your 4-bet triple barrel air ball!
The Shark
It could be you. It probably isn’t. They win. You can too…if you put the work in. No bigger ego boost than when you acquire this title from someone in the game you respect. But don’t rest on your laurels, the game is ever changing, and you need to get back in the lab!